We the People Fight Tyranny Game
We the People Fight Tyranny Game is the only history and government curriculum that you PLAY. Through 100s of
stories from American and World history, players learn and discuss the critical lessons of liberty and tyranny.
Expand your understanding of the Constitution and how it applies today. Discover the heroes and tyrants, the
documents and events, the people and faith, and the constitutional and unconstitutional decisions that have changed
and are still changing the world.

The laugh-out-loud humor of the game board and the “Social Justice” cards illustrate the consequences of big,
progressive government so players can clearly recognize modern-day tyranny. Realizing the difference between big
and limited forms of government motivates people to preserve and defend liberty.

It’s time to “make a dent in the universe” by using stories from American and World history to ingrain
Constitutional principles of freedom into our kids. Start teaching and learning history the FUN way. Grab some
snacks! Play the game! Share some laughs! Have a discussion….and RESTORE America!

700 game cards
25 x 25 inch giant game board
50 sheet score pad
8 pawns
2 dice & 1 set of rules

We the People Fight Tyranny Game

Game play Overview:
- Squirm as the newly anointed Game Czar chooses your identity. Laugh at the absurd twists & turns you'll
discover on Semi-Capitalist Street & the Path of Social Justice.
- Earn stars by answering questions correctly and living a patriotic life.
- Laugh at ridiculous examples of social justice that steal from your bank account while redistributing your
hard-earned stars to the pork barrel.
- Win by having the most stars when the first player goes broke.
- 3-8 players, teen to adult
