American Government & US Constitution (Part 2)

Detailed Description:
Have you ever read a book which literally changed the course of your thinking and your life?
The founder's success formula, as presented in American Government part 1 & 2 would solve nearly every
problem we have in American today if followed. This course will give you a feeling of confidence in today's
confused world.
This course contains:
- a text book (The Making of America)
- a curriculum guide
- suggested course requirements and grading standards
- teaching objective for each lesson
- reading assignments
- quizzes
- examinations
- lesson presentations on twelve DVD's.
Once a student has a working knowledge of the only correct and proven principles for freedom, prosperity, and
peace, then other history classes can be taught from a whole different perspective. American History becomes a
study of how the United States, throughout its 200 plus years, has either supported the principles of liberty and
prospered or violated these principles and suffered.
Can any other knowledge be more helpful to the rising generation in America today? America desperately needs
better and stronger leaders. We need leaders who know correct answers and will step forward and make a positive
diference in this world.
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