Soldiers Statesmen & Heroes- America's Founding Presidents

Hardcover - 256 pages
Price $15.95
Jay A. Parry
More than two centuries ago, a group of wise
and courageous Americans laid the foundation for the most powerful, most prosperous nation in the history of the
world. Unfortunately, in the years that have followed, revisionists and historical debunkers have taken great
pains to cast doubt upon the character and motives of our Founding Fathers.
Often these attacks have become personal.
Such claims are unfortunate falsehoods and misrepresentations, but their greatest damage often lies beyond the
intended target. By discounting the virtue and honor of the Founders, many historians have effectively cast
doubt on the work those Founders accomplished. This falsification of our history has contributed to the sad
fact that in the late twentieth century the Constitution of the United Statesis consistently ignored and sometimes even denigrated
by lawmakers and public officials who have solemnly sworn to
uphold it.
A number of scholars and politicians,
however, believe that the American government must be restored to the constitutional system envisioned by our
Founding Fathers. A first step in that direction involves restoring our belief in the Founders themselves,
helping us to view them once again as the great and noble men they truly were.
This book is dedicated to that end. It
tells the exciting stories of America's first seven Presidents , all of whom fervently supported the
Constitution and interpreted it according to the intent of those who wrote and ratified it. Their attitude
and approach, which blessed America through her troublous first fifty years, burn as a bright pillar of fire for
all who follow.