Proclaim Liberty
The Founders' Principles of Liberty
and the
Meaning of the Constitution

$29.95 or 2 for $49.95
A Constitutional discussion guide especially designed for busy Americans like yourself.
Proclaim Liberty will lead you through a discussion of all 28 Principles as found in The 5000 Year Leap. It extracts the high points from The Making of America and provides a great discussion of the
complete text of the Constitution. This discussion guide was designed to stand by itself, but can be
supplemented with the fore mentioned books. It is:
- Spiral bound
- Four color
- Loaded with high quality graphics
- And uses a fill in the blank approach. (Answers in back)
This beautiful 222 page guide will help you become conversant with the background and meaning of
the Constitution in approximately 15 to 18 hours. This makes it perfect for study groups who meet once or twice
a month. It will prepare you to defend this great document against those who seek its destruction. DVDs for this
guide are currently being developed for an even easier learning experience, but will be optional.
Also be sure to check out our United States Constitution
Poster and our United States Constitution
Pocket book!